At this stage of the game only college men's lacrosse coaches at the top level programs are looking to build their early watch lists. These will only be the perennial national championship contenders. Very few D1 programs outside of that elite class will be forming early watch lists and looking at players in this age group. However if you aspire to play for a top program like a Syracuse or Duke, you need to take early action. Make sure you submit viewership-enabled highlight video to schools you’re interested in as early as possible.
For more information on how to film skill videos by position click here.
Even if you get some initial mail, all advanced players should have a highlight video and send it to as many high level programs as possible to open up more options. Remember, you may dream of playing at Virginia, and you may be good enough, but they may not recruit your position when you’re a senior or they might not offer you a great scholarship package. Elite youth players can really create options and leverage by getting in front of a lot of recruiting coaches and college scouts early on.
The most common recruiting mistake men's lacrosse recruits make early on the process is that they don’t use video at all. Even if they do use video, many times they use the wrong video, or they send unsolicited links or DVDs and have no idea if it’s been watched by coaches. Or worst of all they start going to camps or showcases without having sent viewership-enabled video in advance.
Don’t waste your time or money walking into camps and showcases as an unknown commodity.
Once you have your highlight video complete, the key is to submit your profile along with a viewership-enabled copy to college coaches. Viewership-enabled simply means that you’ll be notified once a college coach actually views your video. Sending any video or information to a college coach without being able to verify viewership is ultimately a waste of your time. You need to know once that video has been seen so you can follow up.
Here are tips for getting the most out of your video:
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